U-Tech Electronics has locations in:

Newark, NJ

Find a U-Tech Electronics Store Near You!

At U-Tech Electronics, we understand the importance of accessibility and convenience for our valued customers. That’s why we have multiple store locations to serve you better. No matter where you are, there’s a U-Tech Electronics store nearby, ready to assist you with all your electronic needs.

We take pride in offering a wide range of products, services, and repairs to enhance your electronic experience. Whether you’re looking for the latest smartphones, computers, gaming consoles, or need expert assistance with repairs, our knowledgeable staff at each location is here to help.

To find the U-Tech Electronics store nearest to you, simply use our store locator tool on our website. Enter your address, city, or postal code, and we’ll provide you with the closest store locations, along with their contact information and operating hours.

Our store locations are designed to provide you with a comfortable and welcoming environment. You can browse our extensive product selection, get hands-on with the latest gadgets, and consult with our experts to make informed purchasing decisions. If you need assistance with repairs, our skilled technicians are available to diagnose and fix your devices efficiently.

In addition to our physical store locations, we also offer the convenience of online shopping. Explore our user-friendly website, where you’ll find detailed product information, pricing, and customer reviews. Place your order online, and we’ll ensure it’s processed quickly and delivered to your doorstep.

At U-Tech Electronics, we strive to exceed your expectations and provide exceptional customer service. Our store locations are staffed with friendly and knowledgeable professionals who are passionate about electronics and dedicated to assisting you every step of the way.

Visit us at one of our U-Tech Electronics store locations and experience the difference firsthand. We look forward to serving you and helping you find the perfect electronics solutions to meet your needs.